
First Week of Language Learning: DONE!

WARNING: Due to the graphic nature of this post, do not proceed to view the picture if you are any way squimish and/or a vegetarian!

I have officially finished my first week of language study! Woo-hoo!! My language nurturer is very impressed with my progress. I can't tell if she is just being nice or if I really am progressing quicker than most people. Who knows!

This week, I have learned over 150 vocabulary words and I am beginning to put together very simple sentences, like "This is a big plate" "That is a small plate" "Where are you going?" "I am going to eat" "How much does it cost?" and other useful phrases! :)

 My language nurturer and I went to the market today to practice what I've learned, only to be greeted by this goat outside the entrance...I normally would have been completely grossed out but I was just excited that I knew how to say what it was in Chinese: shan yang!

We walked around the market for a while, and I pointed to objects I knew or identified the colors of  items.

As we were buying some fried bread, this lady comes up to me, sticks her face way too close to mine , and then asks my language nurturer if I'm a foreigner. I really don't know what gives me away!! Could it be my brown hair, my green eyes, or my white face? I told my nurtuter that next time she should tell the person I am Chinese!

The weekend is finally here and I am so grateful!

If anyone's out there, feel free to comment!


  1. Too Funny! We are all keeping up with your blog. Thanks for the updates! :)

  2. Poor goat. :( I'm happy to see you are doing so well, Candace!

  3. You is a smart one! And yes poor goat...
