
Luke 6:45

With each passing day, I am coming to the understanding that I can do nothing apart from abiding in the Father.

There is no good in me, apart from His Spirit. As I come to the end of myself, it is there that I realize how desperately I need His presence in my life. 

My love is conditional, my patience is short, and my heart is selfish. Yet, all He requires of me is obedience. As I find rest in Him, I see the darkest parts of my heart begin to change. I see a new creature emerging and I know it is only because of Him that I can boldly face the day ahead.

When I don't know where to go, I trust that He will guide my steps. When I don't know what to say, I trust that He will speak through me. When I don't have the strength to face tomorrow, I know that He is already there and He has given me a promise that He will never leave me nor forsake me. 

He is faithful, even when my faith is weak. 

He is over and abundant. His glory didn't just come to dwell in the Tabernacle, it FILLED the Tabernacle (see Ex.40:34-5). There will be no need for light in Heaven because the glory of the Lord will be all sufficient. In fact, His glory will shine so brightly that night will cease to exist! (see Rev. 21:22-25) 

We don't just serve some weak God; we serve a God who is so glorious that our finite minds can't even begin to understand how glorious He really is! 

So what circumstances in your life are keeping you from trusting in His promises? Set your eyes on Jesus and the problems and concerns of this life will cease to be as big as you once thought them to be. 

He is open and waiting for you to run into His arms and find rest in Him. What are you waiting for?

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