(Thanks to all my amazing friends in the United States, I was able to bring back all this loot from Taiwan! THANK YOU!!!) |
I ate Western food all week and I don't feel the least bit guilty!
McDonalds...Burger King...Subway...Chili's (twice)...Cold Stone Creamery...Starbuck(everyday)... these are places I barely frequent in the States, but when you live overseas, anything familiar is more than welcomed!

We visited the 2nd tallest building in the world...Taipei 101. The view was amazing. We watched the sun setting over the city of Taipei, and I was burdened to pr.y for the people of Taipei who have yet to come to the Truth.
While on this trip, we visited an extremely old and famous Buddhist temple in Taipei. Hundreds of people were in this temple, pr.ying to Buddha, burning incense, offering food sacrifices, and seeking answers from the gods. I can't explain the spirit of oppression that was over this place. It was a completely eerie feeling, nothing I've ever experienced in my life...but to be reminded by the Spirit inside of me that I serve the One True G.d, the One who is all-powerful...this brought peace to my soul, but at the same time, a burden for those around me whose hearts and minds are so blinded by the enemy. We walked around the temple, pr.ying out loud for the deliverance of these people, for their eyes to be opened to the Truth and for them to turn to the One who has all the answers. A friend and I began singing the song "None But Jesus" aloud and I just began pr.ying that His Name would be heard and break the chains of bondage of these people.
These next images are possibly the hardest to imagine.... I thought of my friends who are raising their children to fear and love the L.rd, and I silently thanked the Father for them!
I was heartbroken over seeing this tiny little girl being raised in this darkness. The Father spoke to me in this moment and reminded me of how important it is that (when the time comes...), that I boldly raise my children to know and love the L.rd, refusing to let the world create the standards of how I will one day raise my children! Amen!
Take a moment to pr.y for the people of Taiwan and China. They are living and dying in darkness, many never even having the opportunity to even hear the name of J.sus!
Very touching and evey time I remember I will pray. may G.d. Keep blessing you all on this mission. Love you.