

Yesterday, the cold water cut off in my apartment. I was taking a shower and the water got so hot that it could've burnt the skin off my body. I didn't get to shower or wash my hair.

The B family told me to store up some water and I said "okay" but I thought, "that's stupid...I'm not pouring water into buckets and containers at 10pm!"

I skyped with a friend in the morning and told her about the water situation. She said, "Rinse your hair in the sink, shampoo it up, and then jump in the shower to rinse your hair so you can at least wash your hair." I thought that was a good plan..so I did just that! I rinsed my hair, shampooed it up, and then turned on the shower to rinse it...

trickle, trickle, trickle....NO WATER!
(This is when it pays to live alone..)

I ran into the dining room and poured water from my water dispenser into a pitcher so I could wash the shampoo out of my hair in the sink! It was quite hilarious! So I haven't had running water in my apartment since this morning...who knows how long this will last because there has been a drought in this city for the past several years.

A common phrase here: "TIS!"="This is China!"

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